Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Grayson is 1! We had a wonderful birthday celebration
at the Children's Museum. He had a great time
especially when everyone sang happy birthday to him and
he got to open so many wonderful gifts. I can't
believe he is a year old.Time has gone by so fast
and he has turned into such a fun loving little boy.
The party was such a nice celebration and great chance
to have everyone together. Thanks to all his friends the
Cox family, Fredrick family, Narron family,

Great-Grandparents, Grandparents, family friends, teachers
and Auntie Christina who planned a great party and
Auntie Jenn who flew in from Chicago and got him a very
fun present. Sorry the Marino family missed the party,
but we will see you two soon.

Birthday Boy!

Grayson smashing his cake with daddy.

Getting icing all over.

Grayson's birthday cakes.

Grayson and Grammy.

Waiting for cake.

Grayson and Mommy opening gifts.

Playing musical chairs. Grayson won along
with Ms. Betty.

Playing with all his new toys.

Birthday dinner. Cheese Ravioli